Ukrainian Banner Network

List of major Ukrainian Political Parties






Communist Party of Ukraine Komunistychna Partija Ukrajiny



The party adheres to the Marxist-Leninist tradition.

Petro Symonenko

All-Ukrainian Association "Hromada" Vseukrajinska Organizatsia "Hromada"


heavy emphasis on cooperation with business the party is pro-market oriented

Pavlo Lazarenko

Christian Democratic Party of Ukraine Hrystyjanska Demokratychna Partiija Ukrajiny



Characterizing itself as "center-right," but not "national-democratic," the party has been active in the Verkhovna Rada
introducing, among other legislative acts, its own draft of the Constitution, an election law and a law on political parties. The
party stands for a "social, market economy."

Vitaly Zhuravsky

Christian Liberal Union Hrystyjanska Liberaljna Spilka



Adheres to the principles of Christian humanism.

Ihor Stepaniuk

Citizens’ Congress of Ukraine Hromadjanskyj Congres Ukrajiny



One of the party’s program’s most consistent planks has been the necessity of close ties with Russia and most of its policies are
linked to the planned-for existence of a closely-knit commonwealth of Slavic nations. In the economic sphere, the party endows
all forms of ownership with an equal level of importance.

Oleksandr Bazyliuk

Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists Congres Ukrajinskyh Natsionalistiv



After the party’s principal ideologue, Roman Zvarych, was removed in 1995, the party shifted to the right and largely
repudiated the general, democratically oriented line pursued by Zvarych, adopting a narrower and more radical interpretation of
the Ukrainian nationalist tradition.

Slava Stetsko

Constitutional Democratic Party Constytutsijna Demokratychna Partija



Though the party claims in "Kadet" tradition, to eschew ideologies, it emphasized private ownership as the basis of economics.

Volodymyr Zolotariov.

Democratic Party of Ukraine Demokratychna Partija Ukrajiny



Ideologically the party’s platform has borrowed heavily not only from the neoconservative, but also the social democrat
traditions. The party’s program from 1995 relies on the creation of a "socially-oriented market economy."

Volodymyr Yavorivsky.

Green Party of Ukraine Partija Zelenykh Ukrajiny


Though principally ecological, and, in this respect comparable to green parties in the West, the party has maintained a line
consistent with the national-democratic camp, with an emphasis on independence and statehood-building.

Vitaly Kononov.

Inter-regional Reforms Block Rehionaljnyj Blok Reform



Characterizing itself most often as "liberal," the party borrows heavily from both the liberal-democrat and social-democrat
traditions. Yet one of its defining features is a favorable attitude towards Russia. Reforms are a key slogan for the party.

Volodymyr Hrynov.

Labor Party of Ukraine Partija Trudjashchyh Ukrajiny



Though espousing minimal state interference in economic processes, the party has often lobbied the interests of the state
enterprise sector. The party simultaneously supports Ukraine’s integration both into the world and the CIS communities.

Valentyn Landyk

Labor Congress of Ukraine Kongres Trudjashchyh Ukrajiny



Declaring itself a "party of owners," the party has emphasized economic reforms combined with "social guarantees."

Anatoly Matvienko

Liberal Democratic Party of Ukraine Liberaljno Demokratyshna Partija Ukrajiny



Focused on the emerging "middle class," the party stands for pluralism and speedy reforms aimed at creating a market
economy, but for a strong executive power as well.

Volodymyr Clymchuk

Liberal Party of Ukraine Liberaljna Partija Ukrajiny



Until 1992 the party stood for a federative structure for Ukraine and granting Russian the status of an official language. With its
move to Kyiv in 1992-1993 the party retracted its stance on the Russian language, but continued to support the idea of dual
citizenship for Ukrainians and Russians, an idea renounced under the leadership of Oleh Soskin. The party has always been
relatively pro-free market, including support for the private ownership of land, but with a dose of state intervention, such as in
the case of the development of the country’s agricultural sector.

Volodymyr Shcherban.

Party of Economic Rebirth Partija Ekonomichnoho Vidrodzhennja



Under the slogans "Freedom, Stability, Justice!" the party stands for a mixed economic system.

Volodymyr Sheviov.

Party of the Slavic Unity of Ukraine Partija Slavjansjkoho Jedynstva Ukrajiny



The party supports a federal structure for Ukraine with a right to dual citizenship with the Russian Federation, a single
information and economic space between Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, as well as the formation of unitary Slav strategic armed

Valentyn Hlushko

Peasants' Party of Ukraine Seljansjka Partija Ukrajiny



The party supports a mixed economic system and defends the interests of its principal membership by resisting budget and land

Serhiy Dovhan'

People's Democratic Party Narodno Demokratychna Partija


Supporting economic reforms the party remains staunchly pro-presidential.

Anatoly Matvienko

Popular Movement of Ukraine "Rukh" Rukh Ukrajiny


Characterizing itself as center-right, the party’s slogan is "Statehood, Democracy, Reforms!"

Vjacheslav Chornovyl(*)

* The great patriot of Ukraine Vjacheslav Chornovyl died in a car accident.

"Reforms and Order" Reformy i Porjadok


An emphasis on economic reform

Viktor Pynzenyk.

Republican Christian Party Respublikansjka Hrystyjansjka Partija



Adhering to general Christian-democratic principles, the party is a strong supporter of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Kyiv

Mykola Porovsky.

Social Democratic Party of Ukraine Sotsialjno Demokratychna Partija Ukrajiny



The party subscribes to the principles of the Socialist International and recognizes its Stockholm Declaration.

Yuriy Buzduhan.

Social Democratic Party (United) Sotsial Demokratychna Partija Ukrajiny (Objednana)



Supporting Ukraine’s independence, the party stands for the building of a rule-of-law, socially-oriented state which provides
for the safeguarding of the values of freedom, equality, justice and solidarity.

Vasyl Onopenko.

Socialist Party of Ukraine Sotsialistychna Partija Ukrajiny


Setting itself the goal of "power to the workers!" the party aspires to socialism through a people’s-democratic social system.

Oleksandr Moroz

Ukrainian Christian Democratic Party Ukrajinsjka Hrystyjansjko Demokratychna Partija



With the safe-keeping of the nation as well as its rebirth as its primary goals, the party recognizes the priorities of human rights,
the decollectivization of the rural areas and the primacy of ecological imperatives.

Oles Serhiyenko.

Ukrainian Conservative Republican Party Ukrajinsjka Konservatyvna Respublikansjka Partija



The party struggles for the building of a strong, independent and unitary state in the form of a parliamentary republic. Stressing
family values the party supports the creation of a market economy, but is against allowing foreigners and foreign firms to
purchase actors in the service sector

Stepan Khmara.

Ukrainian National Assembly Ukrajinsjka Natsionaljna Asambleja


The party’s priorities are introducing "order," the formation of and control over a new state apparatus. In the economic sphere
the party is highly resistant to the outflow of capital from the country, adheres to a mixed private-state sector economic system
and opposes the dissolution of the state collective farm system.

Dmytro Korchynsky

Ukrainian National Conservative Party Ukrajinsjka Natsionaljna Konservatyvna Partija



The party seeks to reintroduce social justice and build a national state. In the economic sphere the party sees the necessity of
protecting the emerging private sector, both from the state and from foreign actors.

Oleh Soskin.

Ukrainian Party of Justice Ukrajinsjka Partija Zakonu



The party emphasizes humanism and justice as well as the rule-of-law. Stressing the need for the spiritual rebirth of society, the
party supports various forms of ownership.

Yuriy Zubko.

Ukrainian Republican Party Ukrajinsjka Respublikansjka Partija



Grounded in conservatism, the party’s ideology places the rebirth of the Ukrainian people on a plane of the highest priority.
Private property is regarded as sacrosanct, and sees an active role for the state in supporting favorable conditions for

Bohdan Yaroshynsky.